Season 2021 just finished, what a summer ;)

This season The Day Sail in Croatia 2021 was amazing. We started a bit later the usual but fullfill all out expectations. First we started in Zadar from begining of June, Hvar started from July and Dubrovnik mid of July. We also opened Mali Lošinj and Rovinj this summer. As the winter is getting closer, we are slosing The Day Sail season 2021 in Croatia. Even there was 2nd year of COVID-19 global pandemic, our sailing season was awsome. Thank you all for sailing with us.

Again, our majority guests were from USA, Canada, UK, Sweden, Finland and Norway. Still there were a lot of from Europe, especialy from Germany. For some of you who did not have a chance to sail with us for a day, we will have even bigger plans for sailing Croatia 2022. Come, sail with us!


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